Monday, January 16, 2017

Chicken Zoodle Soup

1 large potato
5 - 6 medium sized zucchini
4 carrots
1 cup greek yogurt
1 can cream of chicken soup
2-3 tsp chicken bouillon powder
Shredded Chicken
salt and pepper

How to Make:
Dice the potato very small.  The key to a very fine dice on a potato will ensure you have potato in every bite of soup!  Put the diced potato and sliced carrots in a large pot and add chicken bouillon to the water and boil.  Then take zucchini and spiralize it and add it to the pot.  Add more water if you need to.  Make sure everything is cooked through.

In a medium sized bowl add greek yogurt and cream of chicken soup.  Stir well and then add a few ladles of soup into the bowl.  Stir the soup into the greek yogurt mixture.   If you skip this step the greek yogurt will curdle and not make your soup creamy.  Lower your heat and add the yogurt and soup mixture back into the soup. .  To finish add your shredded chicken.  If done to early the chicken will sit on the bottom of the pan and burn.  Add salt and pepper and taste.  Enjoy!      

I am looking for an alternate to cream of chicken soup once I find a yummy alternate I will update the recipe.  :)